Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Precious Time

For our final project, we were asked to create 26 characters for a card game called "Old Maid" of which you blindly pick two cards at a time to try and match. Each of these characters are created from people, objects, events, and hobbies in my life.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mix Tapes

Sad Sad City by Ghostland Observatory

Yoshimi Battles thePink Robots Part 1 by The Flaming Lips

E.S.P. by The Miles Davis Quintet

Cello Suite No. 1 in G by J.S Bach

For this project, we were asked to listen to four different songs multiple times and create a representation of each song. 

Simplification Through Symbolism

We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see. -Taoist Poverb

Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. -Buddha

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony." -Thomas Merton

For this project, we were asked to draw a symbol for each quote we picked.  Once I had chosen my quotes, I began to ponder on what they could symbolize. For ins-tense, the Taoist Proverb has always reminded my of a koi fish which is why I drew one. Then, I decided to draw animals in representation of the quotes to keep a consistency within the pictures.  

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


This poster is a poster to advertise the circus coming to town, the name being Cyrc. We were asked to become the character we had created and come up with a poster that represents the characters style.

For this assignment I was asked to draw a character completely opposite from. I chose to draw YOLO which is abbreviated from you only live once. YOLO is a crazy, superficial, self centered, chain-smoking, horror loving queen... That litters.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Shape Drawings

For this assignment, we were given three simple shapes to began with and were asked to draw anything to them in order to create an image.  We were given a triangle, which i transformed into a skull celebrating a birthday, a square which I transformed into a jack in the box toy, and a circle, which I transformed into a person looking through telescope.

Totally Looks Like

The chubby duck face in my eyelashes

The number four in the root of the tree

The neck of the garza in the sanitizing bottle pump

The shape of a house in the key

Light house look a like

The sun hat looks like crop circles

The rim of the vase looks like a calli lily

Gum on the concrete looks like a dachshund dog

Man shrugging his shoulders in the figure of the lawn chair

For this assignment, we were asked to snap ten pictures of shapes 
or objects that appear to look like something else. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Shape Potential

For this project, we were asked to draw a random shape out of a hat. We were then to trace the shape ten times on multiple sheets of paper with a colored pen, then, using a pencil we were to draw ten unexpected visual connections to what I saw in that traced shape. This is what I came up with. 

Exquisite Corpse

For this assignment, we were asked to fold a larger piece of paper into three sections. Then we were given the instructions to draw a head on the top flap, keep it folded, and to continue the lines onto the middle section, hand it to the next person to draw the feet. I myself drew the top section, which was the eyeball.