Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Shape Drawings

For this assignment, we were given three simple shapes to began with and were asked to draw anything to them in order to create an image.  We were given a triangle, which i transformed into a skull celebrating a birthday, a square which I transformed into a jack in the box toy, and a circle, which I transformed into a person looking through telescope.

Totally Looks Like

The chubby duck face in my eyelashes

The number four in the root of the tree

The neck of the garza in the sanitizing bottle pump

The shape of a house in the key

Light house look a like

The sun hat looks like crop circles

The rim of the vase looks like a calli lily

Gum on the concrete looks like a dachshund dog

Man shrugging his shoulders in the figure of the lawn chair

For this assignment, we were asked to snap ten pictures of shapes 
or objects that appear to look like something else. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Shape Potential

For this project, we were asked to draw a random shape out of a hat. We were then to trace the shape ten times on multiple sheets of paper with a colored pen, then, using a pencil we were to draw ten unexpected visual connections to what I saw in that traced shape. This is what I came up with. 

Exquisite Corpse

For this assignment, we were asked to fold a larger piece of paper into three sections. Then we were given the instructions to draw a head on the top flap, keep it folded, and to continue the lines onto the middle section, hand it to the next person to draw the feet. I myself drew the top section, which was the eyeball.